Monday, October 27, 2008

i am commenting on the movie unpresidented about the 2000 elections fist of all this further cements my theory that it dosn't matter how many people want someone to become president it matter who and haw much power they have. and as fare as will it happen again i have no doubt it will happen again if not this election and if you think politician are making preparations so this dos'nt happen again your stupid!!! they like it this way the only reson for voting theas days is for a sence of democrocy

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

kbunk oboma campain

dave:"if the northern half of main is the one who is expected to go republican why arnt there people campaining up thair".
lady ?:"it would be a long drive"
i dont think she under stood the question i ment why dosent she find poeple up thar with a common goal and have them cover the northern region of maine

Thursday, October 2, 2008

presidential debates

one of the major diferances i noticed was how mccain would plow thrugh obama and obama would let him the other thing i noticed was mccain would put oboma down but obama would agree with mccain.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

vice president sarah pauline

Sarah Pauline "Tod is a world champion snow machine racer" this shows that she will not be hard an ATV/motorcycle regulations

Friday, September 12, 2008

barock obama

Born August 4, 1961
occupation Illinois junior senator
education University of Chicago Law School

I chose Obama for two reasons one is Micaine seams a little of to me like he would start a war or something and second the quizzes told me i would like Obama.